Writing digital ELT materials

In this post, Laura Broadbent and Billie Jago, who run Otterelt (a digital ELT agency providing digital content expertise and editorial services to leading publishers and educational institutions), summarise the presentation they gave at the MaWSIG Showcase at the IATEFL conference in Harrogate. Their workshop addressed the design of digital materials for a self-study app […]

Moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach when using prescribed ELT materials

In this post, Susanna Schwab from the Bern University of Teacher Education, who trains pre-service primary school teachers to teach English as a foreign language, summarises the main points of her talk at the IATEFL (2023) MaWSIG Showcase in Harrogate. Her talk focused on how teachers use prescribed coursebooks in Switzerland.    In this talk, […]