
Dr. Armanda Stroia
Dr Armanda Stroia is an experienced EFL teacher, teacher trainer, international conference speaker, and materials developer interested in digital storytelling, multimodality, critical thinking, intercultural competences, digital and emotional literacies. She designs materials to help teachers integrate multimodality into lessons through an award-winning approach to student-generated videos. She is the founder of the Academy of Creators who Teach to Inspire (, where she shares her latest research-based articles, tailored courses, workshops, and free lesson plans.
September 18, 2024
17:00 UK time
(R)evolution of Video Tasks in ELT: New Horizons, Coursebook Realities

Looking back, video has radically reshaped the ELT landscape, shifting from mere comprehension checks to tasks fostering 21st century skills and multimodal literacies. Thus, current pedagogical trends empower students to become active prosumers. Yet, is this shift visible in mainstream localized coursebooks? Gazing into the AI-powered future, we question the role of video tasks.