Shortcuts to effective materials writing

This is the first of several previews of talks to be given at the upcoming ELTAM−MaWSIG conference in Skopje, Macedonia, on 30 September, 2017. Here, MaWSIG Publications Coordinator James Styring talks to author John Hughes talks about his presentation. For more details about the event, click here. Like many teachers, John learned to write classroom […]

ELT materials writing: More on emerging principles

Here, Katherine Bilsborough offers new insights on a theme she first discussed on the MaWSIG blog last autumn – the topic of principles for materials writers. The MaWSIG blog features guest posts by members – please get in touch if you would like to write for us. Since writing a blog post called ‘Emerging principles […]

Schema raising through storytelling and anecdotes

Our latest blog post is by Chris Mares, who shares his experiences writing short stories for use in class. The MaWSIG blog features guest posts by members – please get in touch if you would like to write for us.  Throughout my career I have always found there to be a dearth of short, engaging reading material that speaks […]

The trainee material writer’s perspective

In the previous blog post, MaWSIG interviewed Jane Spiro about training teachers on the Oxford Brookes MA module in materials development. In this follow-up post, we hear from two teachers who took the course. They talk about their experiences of learning to write materials with extracts from their final materials. Yolanda Hartshorne was an online […]

Training teachers to write materials on an MA TESOL

In this post, John Hughes meets Jane Spiro, a lecturer on the MA TESOL at Oxford Brookes University and TESOL programme leader until 2016. John interviews her about the new module in ELT Materials Development. The MaWSIG blog features guest posts by members – please get in touch if you would like to write for us.  Writing materials […]