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Armanda Stroia
(R)evolution of Video Tasks in ELT: New Horizons, Coursebook Realities
by Armanda Stroia
March 12, 2025
In this post, Armanda Stroia summarises her talk at the MaWSIG Webinar Series where she questioned how mainstream localised coursebooks present students with video tasks based on mechanical comprehension checks, suggesting ways to foster 21st century skills and multimodal literacies.
Are ELT materials writers born or made?
by Kath Bilsborough
& John Hughes
August 1, 2024
In this post, Kath Bilsborough & John Hughes summarise their presentation at the MaWSIG Showcase in Brighton earlier this year, where they discuss how materials writers come to be.
Stating the (not so) obvious: 5 tips for more effective materials design
by Catarina Pontes
April 30, 2024
In this post, Catarina Pontes summarises the talk she gave at the MaWSIG and BrazTESOL Joint Online Conference in November 2023, where she presented five different ways in which teachers can adapt materials to make their learners feel more engaged and make the most of their learning experience.
David Byrne
Writing materials that develop reading skills
by David Byrne
& Mark Heffernan
March 12, 2024
In this post David Byrne and Mark Heffernan discuss how reading is often presented in EFL materials, and make the case that practice alone does not lead to perfection. They propose an alternative approach, exploring how to write materials that, instead of practising or testing, raise learners’ awareness and development of reading skills.
Examples, examples: What can you learn from a lexicographer?
by Julie Moore
February 20, 2024
In this post, Julie Moore summarises the workshop she gave at the 2023 Harrogate PCE, where she shared her insights into the role of a lexicographer working on learner’s dictionaries. She also showed how some of the skills needed to work on a learner’s dictionary can be transferred into other areas of materials writing. In this post, she doesn’t try to cover everything explored in the workshop; instead, she focuses on a key area that’s especially transferable; the selection of example sentences to illustrate vocabulary.
Debora Catavello Headshot
Developing a set of criteria to evaluate the authenticity of EAP materials
by Debora Catavello
February 13, 2024
In this blog post, Debora Catavello shares some preliminary findings from an exploratory study into EAP materials that she conducted in 2023. In her study, Debora starts with the premise that teaching materials are the ‘instantiation of principles drawn from the broad fields of second language acquisition theory and language teaching theory‘ (Timmis, 2002, p. 217). She then examines the extent to which a set of her own materials aligns with the principle of authenticity, and explores ways to resolve the so-called ‘EAP genre paradox’.