Germany 1:0 England – ELT Publishing in Deutschland

This post is the second in our series on working in ELT materials development around the world. Here, Clare Maas describes the situation in Germany. In Germany, there are just a couple of key local publishers (e.g. Cornelsen, Klett) who dominate the market alongside the international ones. There seems to be a fairly clear division of […]

ELT publishing: Can the UK learn from the Canadian example?

This is the first of a series of blog posts in which ELT materials writers around the world share their thoughts on writing in specific countries. Here, Tania Pattison describes her experiences writing for a major publisher in Canada. The MaWSIG blog has recently featured two posts that expressed concern about the state of ELT publishing […]

And what about the research?

Our latest blog post is by Penny Ur, who discusses the need for materials writers to pay attention to research on language learning. I’ve just read Katherine Bilsborough’s blog entry ‘ELT materials writing: More on emerging principles’. I really enjoyed it and learned from it. If you haven’t read it yet, do so! I’d like […]


In this blog post, Jill Florent details her extensive experience of the evolution of ELT publishing – from process to product and working relationships.