MaWSIG Showcase 2022: What I talk about when I talk about coursebooks

In this blog post, Julie Norton and Heather Buchanan (MaWSIG Coordinator) share a short video where they talk about the presentation they gave during the MaWSIG Showcase day at the IATEFL 2022 conference in Belfast. Julie Norton is a lecturer in Applied Linguistics and TESOL at the University of Leicester, UK and an ELT materials […]
MaWSIG PCE 2022: What does a picture researcher do, and how has picture research changed over the last 15 years?

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] In the second post in our series Looking back at the MaWSIG PCE, Belfast 2022, Sharon McTeir shares a summary of her presentation. In my talk at the MaWSIG PCE in Belfast this year, I talked about the following aspects of my work: What my work as a picture researcher involves I search […]
MaWSIG PCE 2022: Bridging a 30-year gap in materials writing

In our first post in the series Looking back at the MaWSIG PCE, Belfast 2022, Sue Kay writes about her presentation in which she shared an insightful account of her thoughts and experiences as she prepares to update and self-publish materials that she originally wrote 30 years ago. I’ve been writing ELT materials for thirty […]
MaWSIG PCE: Bring your ideas to life using mood boards – Colin Morton

This is the fifth of our summaries from the IATEFL MaWSIG Pre-Conference Event, which was held online on Friday, 18 June 2021. In his talk, Colin Morton looked at a key aspect of ELT publishing which is not often discussed: the role of mood boards in materials design. Thanks to Sandy Millin for providing the summary. What […]
MaWSIG PCE: 50 ways to avoid gap-fill fatigue

The second session of the day was a practical presentation by John Hughes on why we write gap-fill exercises, how we can write them more effectively, and how we can make them more interesting. Here’s a brief summary of John’s presentation with links at the end to his videos on the topic. Few of us are […]