Understanding sources and permissions – a simple guide

In this post, Lottie Galpin shares her knowledge and experience as a writer and editor on the tricky area of sources and permissions. Something that often comes up when I’m working on ELT materials is the issue of sources and permissions. The ins and outs of what you can use can be a bit confusing. […]

Writing in Japan

In the third and final blog in our mini-series of posts from ELT writers based in non-Anglophone countries, Marcos Benevides shares his perspective as an EFL teacher, writer and innovator based in Tokyo.

Writing in Portugal

In the second of our mini-series of posts from ELT writers based in non-Anglophone countries, Vanessa Reis Esteves shares her perspective as an EFL coursebook writer based in Portugal.

Writing in the Middle East

In the first of a series of posts from ELT writers based in non-Anglophone countries, Gary Pathare lifts the lid on writing for the most elusive of markets.

Writing as a non-native English speaker in Brazil

In this post, Luiz Otávio Barros shares his experiences of writing ELT coursebooks as a NNES based in Brazil. This blog concludes Part I of our mini-series on writing ELT materials for different markets around the world. We will return with Part II in six months’ time, so if you would like to share your […]