The MaWSIG-LITSIG PCE 2019: Creative Arts and Materials Writing  

For those unable to attend the MaWSIG-LitSIG joint Pre-Conference Event in Liverpool on 1 April 2019, and to refresh the memories of the 95 people who did, MaWSIG is publishing several posts over the next fortnight recapping each session. To outline what’s in store for you, Christien van Gool, the Social Media Co-ordinator for LitSIG, […]

Writing ELT material for learners with dyslexia

Awareness of the need to provide materials that cater for students with dyslexia is growing – but how do we do that properly? One size does not fit all, as Jon Hird explains. A longer version of this is going to appear in the ETAS Journal, Summer 2019 special supplement on SEN and Inclusive Practices. […]

The ‘What about …’ webinars Q&A: Leo Selivan

In the last webinar Q&A post in the ‘What about …’ series, Leo Selivan follows up on some of the questions that participants asked during his recent webinar, What about writing vocabulary activities? You can watch a recording of his webinar here. If you attended Leo Selivan’s webinar, or any of the other webinars by Brian Tomlinson, Vicky Saumell, Prof. […]

Taking a leaf out of the books of great writers?

Cheryl Palin gives a few clues as to what she’ll be talking about in her Pre-Conference Event talk at IATEFL, 1 April 2019, Liverpool (UK). See who else is talking at the joint MaWSIG-LitSIG Joint PCE here. Tickets are available here. Whose advice will be featured in Cheryl’s talk Taking a leaf out of the books of great […]

How to Write Graded Readers (a.k.a. Get Paid to Write Fiction)

Helen Holwill and Nicola Prentis preview their talk How to Write Graded Readers (a.k.a. Get Paid to Write Fiction), which they’ll be giving at the Pre-Conference Event at IATEFL, 1 April 2019, Liverpool (UK). See who else is talking at the MaWSIG–LitSIG Joint PCE here. Tickets are available here.