Meet MaWSIG: Behind the scenes – Events Coordinator

In our latest post in the Meet MaWSIG series, Katherine Bilsborough, one of the three Joint Events Coordinators, tells us how she came to join the SIG. Why did you take the plunge? I joined the MaWSIG committee as one of three Joint Events Coordinators in May, 2018. I’d considered putting myself forward on a […]

Meet MaWSIG: Behind the scenes – Technology and Social Media

In our latest post in the Meet MaWSIG series, Jen Dobson, the Technology and Social Media Coordinator of MaWSIG, tells how she came to join the SIG. It’s an honour to be a volunteer as part of the MaWSIG team. From university days, I’ve always been active on committees and then in teachers’ associations, finding them […]

Meet MaWSIG: Behind the scenes – Publications Coordinator

As the newest member of the MaWSIG committee, I still feel I’m very much a newbie – and really enjoying it. I joined the committee in September last year, when James Styring stood down from the role of Publications Coordinator, and I joined Penny Hands and Nick Tims as part of the publications team. It […]

Meet MaWSIG: Behind the scenes – SIG Coordinator

In our second post in the Meet MaWSIG series, Aleksandra Popovski, the coordinator of MaWSIG, tells how she came to join the SIG. When I first joined MaWSIG in 2016, it never occurred to me that I would one day be the Coordinator. I decided to join MaWSIG after researching professional groups (including IATEFL SIGs) […]

Meet MaWSIG: Behind the scenes – Online Events

This is the first post in a new series of blog posts, Meet MaWSIG, where members of our committee will introduce themselves and talk about their work and experiences on the committee. We start with Clare Maas, Joint Events Coordinator. Our MaWSIG coordinator, Aleks, recently asked me if I’m happy to stay on the MaWSIG […]