Decolonising ELT materials: Challenging Western supremacy and processes of othering, using the example of Africa

In this post, Lena Hertzel summarises her presentation at the MaWSIG showcase during the IATEFL conference in Harrogate in April. In her talk, Lena focused on the problematic representations of Africa in ELT coursebooks, and offered guidelines for materials writers to decolonise their materials. Postcolonial power structures and knowledge archives continue to shape our […]
IATEFL Global Get-together 2020 – Inclusive ELT materials: Q&A

As part of the recent IATEFL Global Get-together held on 18–19 April, five SIGs came together to discuss the issue of inclusion in materials writing. The five SIGs were IPSEN SIG, represented by Dr Anne Margaret Smith, YLT SIG, represented by David Valente (also moderator), Global Issues SIG, represented by Linda Ruas, LIT SIG, represented […]
MaWSIG Panel webinar: Making materials that reflect the realities of marginalised groups

On 23 February, 2020, we held the last webinar in the MaWSIG meets series. Our three speakers, Heloisa Duarte, Varinder Unlu and Adam Scott, analysed a range of ELT materials to highlight ways of making diverse learners and their realities more visible. They focused particularly on older learners, learners who identify as being of colour […]